Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Clerihews are four line rhymes or verses that start with one's name. When a friend mentioned this I had a go at it.

The first one wasn't great :

Vidya had a bit of yarn ,
That she spun into a shawl,
Piling up her winter woolen,
Ready for the long haul.

The second one goes like this:

Vidya had some knitting pins,
slimmer than  rolling pins,
She  stacked them up in a tin,
Lest someone threw them into a bin. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Dancing Dandelions

Dancing Dandelions

Among the lush green grasses grew,
Dandelions bright in yellow too,
As the wind blew they shook their head,
In still air, they looked ahead.

What a pretty picture they made,
Unaware of the dawn and its wake.

As they woke to the morning sun,
The farmer strides sickle glinting in the sun.
Chop, chop, goes he snipping them all,
Lovely dandelion blooms and all.

Oh! what an end to the lovely blooms,
Their only fault they grew too soon.
Weeds and pests are a threat,
To all veggies, green and red,
Says the farmer wise in years,
But poor Dandelions, I am in tears.