Monday, March 18, 2013

Beginning Blues

Started to write copy
over cups of hot coffee.
But it was a waste of paper
as thinking went for a sixer.

Then all of a sudden
thoughts came in a torrent.
But with a broken pen,
the words went unwritten.

When at last the pen was found,
the thoughts did not rebound,
only did my temples pound,
because of the generator's sound.

When at last I did write
it was nothing very bright,
but what I thought right,
duly put out of sight.


Thunder clapped over the terrain,
The farmer looked up at the falling rain.
As the pellets fell on parched plain,
Smiling, he counted his future gain.

The rain poured all day long,
inundating fields of corn.
Nature looked so bleak so forlorn;
Dark clouds proclaimed a storm.

Winds howled and cows mooed,
lightning flashed, thunder followed.
Houses collapsed
and people fled.

Nature and her fury gone,
the sun did shine the next morn
on many a collapsed barn.
Thus descended calm after the storm.

The farmer had to look for grain,
as storm always raised Cain.
Now fields of corn a distant dream,
the land echoed the farmer's scream.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


This is my cinquain, about two sparrows that I watch regularly. Cinquains are inspired by the Japanese Haiku and Tanka. This is my first attempt so please bear with me. :)

Sparrows two,

Male, female, foraging food.

Having eaten their catch, flit together.

Picking grass for the nest, sit on branch,

always apart.